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Pascal Ducommun is a specialist for hand surgery and as a plastic surgeon for soft tissue and bone reconstruction. He has a broad knowledge in plastic-reconstructive surgery and hand surgery without neglecting depth. Thanks to his training in orthopaedics and traumatology, he also has proven expertise in joint surgery on the hand. This orthoplastic approach is particularly unique in the field of hand surgery with its complex surgical requirements for all anatomical structures.
He specializes in peripheral nerve surgery, bone and joint reconstruction of the hand and wrist, and soft tissue reconstruction of the upper and lower extremities. Pascal Ducommun is also an accredited medical expert of the Swiss Society of Insurance Medicine. In addition to 12 scientific papers and book chapters from the entire field of hand surgery and plastic surgery, Pascal Ducommun holds a Master of Science in Medical Biology from the University of Zurich and ETH with a thesis on bone tumors.
As a senior physician at the University Hospital Zurich and the Inselspital Bern, he has gained extensive experience at two of the largest hand and plastic surgery centers in Switzerland. His last position as Chief Physician at the Kantonsspital Luzern rounded off his six years of experience as a senior physician. During this time, he also gained operative experience in non-daily hand surgery and in rare cases. A total of 1,500 plastic and 2,500 hand surgeries from the entire spectrum over a period of 15 years prove this. He is the father of three young children and lives in Zurich.
2015–2018 | Chief Physician, Clinic for Hand and Plastic Surgery, Cantonal Hospital Lucerne |
2015 | Senior Physician, Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, University Hospital Zurich |
2014 | Senior Physician, University Clinic for Plastic and Hand Surgery, Inselspital Bern |
2013 - 2014 | Senior Physician, Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, University Hospital Zurich |
2008 - 2012 | Resident physician, Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, University Hospital Zurich |
2006 - 2008 | Resident, Orthopaedic Surgery, Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich |
2005 - 2006 | Resident, General Surgery and Traumatology, Upper Engadine Hospital, Samedan |
Frontiers in Microsurgery of the Upper Extremity – FESSH Instructional Book 2016. Calcagni M, Giesen T, Ducommun P. European Society for the Surgery of the Hand, Santander 2016
Extracorporeal loss of lunate in perilunar transscaphoidal fracture dislocation. Ducommun P, Hug U, 2017, HaMiPla, 49, 201-203.
Median nerve compression neuropathy due to a closed osteocartilaginous tunnel at the distal upper arm. Merky, DN, Pasternak I, Ducommun P, Hug U, 2017, HaMiPla, 49, 204-205.
Über die unsachgemässe Anwendung von Octenisept® bei Handverletzungen. Greminger M, Ernert C, Fritsche E, Ducommun P, Rossi M, Kaiser P, Hug U, 2016, Swiss Med For, 16 (32) 642-44.
Magnetic Resonance Neurographic and Clinical Long-Term Results After Oberlins Transfer for Adult Brachial Plexus Injuries.
Frueh FS, Ho M, Schiller A, Ducommun P, Manoliu A, Andreisek G, Calcagni, Giovanoli P, 2016, Ann Plast Surg Epub Adhead Oct 31.
Evaluation of Cutaneous Spatial Resolution and Pressure Threshold Secondary to Digital Nerve Repair . Klein HJ, Fakin RM, Ducommun P, Giesen T, Giovanoli P, Calcagni M, 2016, Plast Reconstr Surg 137(4): 1203-12.
Signal transduction and downregulation of C-MET in HGF stimulated low and highly metastatic human osteosarcoma cells. Husmann K, Ducommun P, Sabile AA, Pedersen EM, Born W, Fuchs B, 2015, Biochem Biophys Res Commun 4; 464(4): 1222-7.
The bionic hand. Surke C, Ducommun dit Boudry P, Voegelin E, 2015, Ther Umsch 72(8): 487-93.
Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) for the treatment of large and complex cartilage lesions of the knee. Ossendorf C, Steinwachs MR, Kreuz PC, Osterhoff G, Lahm A, Ducommun PP, Erggelet C, 2011, Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Ther Technol 21: 3-11.
Autologous chondrocyte implantation versus ACI using 3D-bioresorbable graft for the treatment of large full-thickness cartilage lesions of the knee. Erggelet C, Kreuz PC, Mrosek EH, Lahm A, Ducommun P, Ossendorf C, 2009, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 130(8): 957-64.
Prevalence and prognostic value of increased uptake in bone SPECT/CT in asymptomatic wrists Ducommun P, Hug U, November 2017, Thun Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (SGH) |
Steal Phänomen durch AV-shunt-Verbindungen in der oberen Extremität: unterschiedliche Ursachen und klinische Konsequenzen Ducommun P, Voegelin E, Mai 2015, Aarau Mündlicher Vortrag an der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie (DAH) |
Total necrosis due to Steal phenomenon in the upper extremity in patients with AV shunts Ducommun P, Voegelin E, 2014, Thun Mündlicher Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (SGH) |
Initial evaluation and management of the burn patient Ducommun P, Februar 2014, Bern Vortrag an den Swiss Trauma & Resuscitation Days |
AIN palsies as a relevant differential diagnosis in nerve surgical consultations Ducommun P, Calcagni M, Giovanoli P, Schiller A, November 2013, Biel Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (SGH) |
Neuralgic amyotrophy or Parsonage Turner Syndrome constitute a relevant differential diagnosis in nerve surgical consultations Ducommun P, Calcagni M, Giovanoli P, Schiller A, Juni 2013, Antalya, Turkey Vortrag am Kongress der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (FESSH) |
Complication and Reoperation Rate in Primary Breast Augmentation: Does it correspond to the experience of the Surgeon Ducommun P, Guggenheim M, Schneider M, Giovanoli P, Künzi W, November 2011, Lausanne Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Plastische Chirurgie (SGPRAEC) |
Relocation and wrapping of painful neuromas associated with CRPS type II Ducommun P, Giesen T, Müller N, Giovanoli P, Calcagni M, Juni 2011, Oslo; Norway Vortrag am Kongress der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (FESSH) |
The Use of Artificial Integra® for Reconstruction of Head and Scalp Defects Ducommun P, Guggenheim M, Greminger M, Künzi W, Giovanoli P, Oktober 2010, Zürich Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Plastische Chirurgie (SGPRAEC) |
A Reduced Femoral Head Neck Offset Increases the Risk of Osteoarthritis of the Hip within 25 Years
Ducommun P, Wyss T, Noetzli HP, Dora C, Juni 2009, Genf Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO) |
Different intracellular Localization of C-MET in Human OS cell lines Ducommun P, Husmann K, Born W, Fuchs D, September 2008, Basel Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO) |
Degradation of C-MET via the proteasomal and lysosomal pathway in Human OS cell lines Ducommun P, Husmann K, Born W, Fuchs D, September 2008; Basel Vortrag am Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO) |
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