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Dr. Allemann specializes in aesthetic surgery of the face, breast and body. She is the only double board-certified specialist in Switzerland for plastic surgery and dermatology as well as an expert in laser medicine. She thus stands for a modern holistic treatment that combines surgical expertise with complementary applications from aesthetic dermatology and laser medicine.
Dr. Allemann is part of a private professional group with some of the world’s most renowned plastic surgeons in the field of facial and breast surgery. She most recently spoke at the most important annual congress of plastic surgeons in the USA in Los Angeles. She is also an experienced dermatologic surgeon for aesthetically demanding reconstructions due to skin cancer. As an expert in laser medicine, she represents the only “Centre of Excellence” in Switzerland with the latest laser technology from the Silicon Valley company Cutera, which has been a pioneer in the field of laser medicine for 20 years.
Dr. Allemann has worked and performed research at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and at the University of Miami and contributes internationally with numerous articles and book chapters to the latest scientific state of development within her field of expertise. She is the editor of a book on the fundamentals of modern laser medicine. She has furthermore published numerous articles on skin cancer, surgery, minimally invasive procedures and skin care ingredients. At Rivr she offers a special Skincare consultation and selected Skincare products.
Dr. Inja Allemann is accredited as a specialist for plastic and reconstructive surgery and dermatology at the leading Hirslanden private clinic group and practices and operates at the Hirslandenklinik im Park in Zurich and at the Andreasklinik in Cham. As a former senior physician at the University Hospital of Zurich with 20 years of medical experience, Inja Allemann is an objective consultant and surgeon. She lives in the city of Zurich, is married and has a young daughter.
Dr. Inja Allemann is a Swiss board-certified specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery with work experience at the University Hospital of Zurich (USZ) and the Cantonal Hospital Lucerne (KSL). In 2014, she was awarded the European specialist title for plastic and reconstructive surgery EPOBRAS. She deepened her plastic surgery knowledge with a private study visit to North America and observerships with Dr. Tim Marten in San Francisco (specialist for facial plastic surgery), Dr. Dan Baker in New York (capacity of plastic surgery in the USA) and Dr. Elisabeth Hall-Findlay in Canada (mastermind of plastic breast surgery). In 2017, Dr. Allemann became part of a private group of some of the world’s most renowned plastic surgeons in the field of facial and breast surgery and spoke at the most important annual congress of plastic surgeons in the USA in Los Angeles. In the standard work of plastic surgery “The Art of Aesthetic Surgery” by Foad Nahai M.D., Dr. Allemann contributed a chapter.
Dr. Inja Allemann began her training as a dermatologist with scientific work in the field of skin cancer at the renowned Dermatological Clinic of the University Hospital Zurich (USZ). She became Swiss board-certified in Dermatology and Venereology and followed-up with a 1.5-year fellowship in laser medicine, aesthetic dermatology and skincare at the University of Miami (USA) with Prof. Leslie Baumann. Prof. Baumann is a pioneer of aesthetic dermatology including injectables in the USA and has participated in major studies on Botox and various fillers. After her return in 2009, Dr. Allemann established the Aesthetic Surgery practice at the Dermatological Clinic of the University Hospital of Zurich as a senior physician, which she lead together with the Laser Surgery practice. In 2011, she acquired the FMCH Laser Medicine Certificate of Competence. Together with Dr. David Goldberg, one of the leading laser specialists in the USA, she published a book on laser medicine in 2014. In addition, Dr. Allemann specialized in dermatologic surgery with additional training in Mohs surgery in the USA and performed several hundred procedures at the USZ for the controlled removal of skin cancer from the face and reconstruction using reconstructive surgery.
Dr. Inja Allemann completed her medical studies at the University of Basel and her doctoral fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Early in her career, she completed a postgraduate course in experimental medicine and biology with the participation of various Nobel Laureates. In the course of her medical career, she was trained in general surgery, internal medicine and emergency medicine in addition to her specializations. She has more than 20 years of practical medical experience. At McKinsey & Company she worked as a strategy consultant for two years and advised companies in the pharmaceutical sector.
Dr. Allemann publishes a book on the basics of laser medicine in the US:
Basics in Dermatological Laser Applications. edited by I. Bogdan Allemann (Zurich) and D. Goldberg (New York). A volume in the series “Current Problems in Dermatology” (www.karger.com/cupde)
In the standard work of plastic surgery “The Art of Aesthetic Surgery”, Dr. Allemann contributes a chapter:
“Skincare and Dermatologic Treatments” Bogdan Allemann I., Goldberg DJ. The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Principles & Techniques, By Foad Nahai, 2nd edition
Together with Prof. Baumann Dr. Allemann publishes the latest results on Antioxidants in Skincare:
“Antioxidants”. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. In Baumann L. Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Practices, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, March 2008
Dr. Allemann publishes a chapter on the latest treatments for pigmentation disorders:
“Depigmenting Agents”. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. In Baumann L. Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Pratices, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, March 2008
Dr. Allemann publishes on the use of laser technology in cosmetic surgery and aesthetic dermatology:
“Laser Principles” Bogdan Allemann I. Synopsis of Aesthetic Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery. Nova Science Publishers Inc, NY, USA
Dr. Allemann publishes a chapter on the subject of dermabrasion:
“Dermabrasion” Bogdan Allemann I, Hafner J. Dermatologic Surgery – Step by Step. Blackwell Publishing Limited company
“A modified keystone flap – the Lucerne experience”. Bogdan Allemann I, Winterholer D, Fritsche E. In preparation
“Orbital exenteration – 7 cases and a proposed therapeutic algorithm. Bogdan Allemann I, Kuttenberger J, Winterholer D, Fritsche E. In preparation
“The Cyclops Breast as Result after Resection of a Large Recurrence of Breast Cancer – a Rare Case Report”. Wishart KT, Winterholer D, Bogdan Allemann I, Fritsche E. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2017 Dec;49(6):405-407.
Tattoo complications – a retrospective analysis of 291 tattoo patients treated at the Dermatologic Clinic of the University of Zurich. Van den Bergh A, Kerl K, Imhof L, Dummer R, Bogdan Allemann I. In preparation
“A prospective randomized spilt-face trial to compare the efficacy and safety of three consecutive non-ablative fractional laser treatments with a single combination treatment of non-ablative and ablative fractional laser in the treatment of atrophic acne scars”. Schönewolf N., Hafner J., Dummer R., Bogdan Allemann I.. In preparation
“Short- and long-term efficacy of tumescent suction curettage for axillary hyperhidrosis“. Laurence Feldmeyer, Inja Bogdan Allemann, Andreas Moser, Roman Specker, Lars E. French, Severin Läuchli. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015 Oct;29(10):1933-7.
“Laser treatment of solar lentigines on dorsum of hands: QS Ruby laser versus ablative CO2 fractional laser – a randomized controlled trial” Schönewolf N., Hafner J., Dummer R., Bogdan Allemann I.. Eur J Dermatol. 2015 Apr;25(2):122-6. doi: 10.1684/ejd.2014.2513.
“Basal cell carcinomas in a tertiary referral centre- a systematic analysis”. Dreier Jil, Cheng Phil F, Gugger Alenka, Hafner Jürg, Bogdan Alleman Inja, Tschopp Alois, Goldinger Simone M., Dummer Reinhard. Br J Dermatol. 2014 Nov;171(5):1066-72.
“Dapsone-induced erythema multiforme with neutropenia in a patient with linear IgA dermatosis – full recovery after treat through and review of the literature”. Urosevic-Maiwald M, Kerl K, Harr T, Bogdan Allemann I. Int J Dermatol. 2013 Nov;52(11):1369-71.
“Split-face study of melasma patients treated with non-ablative fractionated photothermolysis (1540nm) versus sun screen use alone containing OM24® in patients with melasma”. M. Barysch, B. Rümmelein, I. Kolm , M. Karpova, N. Schönewolf, I. Bogdan Allemann, R. Dummer. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2012 Apr;26(4):423-30.
“Evidence-based Topical Skin Rejuvenation”. A. A. Navarini, X. Calvo, I. Bogdan Allemann. Dermatologic Therapy
“Laser Principles”. Bogdan Allemann I, Derm Helv. 2011.
“Benign pigmented lesions”. Bogdan Allemann I, Goldberg DJ. Curr Probl Dermatol. 2011;42:81-96. Epub 2011 Aug 16.
“From a pimple to a crater”. Benjamin Preiswerk, MD, Inja Bogdan Allemann, MD, Marco Maggiorini, Prof MD, Véronique Müller, MD, Lancet. 2011 Aug 13;378(9791):636.
“Fractional photothermolysis”. Bogdan Allemann I, Kaufman J. Curr Probl Dermatol. 2011;42:56-66. Epub 2011 Aug 16.
“Laser principles”. Bogdan Allemann I, Kaufman J. Curr Probl Dermatol. 2011;42:7-23. Epub 2011 Aug 16.
“Tätowierungen und wie man sie wieder los wird“. Nicola L. Schönewolf, Bettina Rümmelein, Inja Bogdan Allemann, Reinhard Dummer. Schweiz Med Forum 2010;10(19):1.
“Dermatochirurgie- der operative Pfeiler der Dermatologie“. Jürg Hafner, Severin Läuchli, Inja Bogdan, Lars E. French. Therapeutische Umschau 2010;67(4), 195-199.
“Fractional Photothermolysis – an Update”. Inja Bogdan Allemann, Joely Kaufman. Lasers Med Sci. 2010 Jan;25(1):137-44.
“The Risk of Alar necrosis after dermal filler injection”. Lisa D. Grunebaum MD, Inja Bogdan MD, Steven Dayan MD,Steve Mandy MD, Leslie Baumann MD. Oct 5 2009, 1635-1540.
“Botanicals in Skin Care Products“. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. International Journal of Dermatology.
“Tretinoin – erhöhte Mortalität?“. Bogdan Allemann I. Dermatologie Praxis. 2009, 2: 22-23.
“Hyaluronic acid gel (Juvéderm) preparations in the treatment of facial wrinkles and folds.” Inja Bogdan Allemann,
Leslie Baumann. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2008, 3(4): 629–634.
“Assessing the Spectrum of Topical Therapies for Hyperpigmentation”. Inja Bogdan Allemann, Heather Woolery-Lloyd. Practical Dermatology. 2008, 5(9): 28-33.
“Antioxidants used in skincare formulations”. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. Skin Therapy Lett. 2008, 13(7): 5-9.
“News aus Miami: Gegen Schwangerschaftsstreifen kann etwas getan werden“. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. Dermatologie Praxis. 2008, 6: 19-20.
“News aus Miami: Auch im Alter faltenfrei?“. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. Dermatologie Praxis. 2008, 5: 20.
“News aus Miami: Hyperpigmentierungen richtig behandeln“. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. Dermatologie Praxis. 2008, 3: 20.
“News aus Miami: Die Hauttypen – trocken versus ölig“. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. Dermatologie Praxis. 2008, 2: 26-27.
“News aus Miami: Eine neue Einteilung der Hauttypen“. Bogdan Allemann I., Baumann L. Dermatologie Praxis. 2008, 2: 26.
“Eyebrow repair after resection of supraorbital skin cancer: Combined naked and hair-bearing full thickness skin graft from the contralateral retroauricular donor site”. Jürg Hafner, Tanja Fritz, Severin Läuchli, Inja Bogdan, Günter Burg, Lars E.French 2007, 33(12): 1525-8.
“Epidermodysplasia verruciformis: 2 brothers with highly aggressive squamous cell carcinoma”. Bogdan I., Schärer L., Rüdlinger R., Hafner J. Dermatologic Surgery. 2007, 33(12): 1525-8.
“What is your diagnosis? Urticaria pigmentosa“. Bogdan I., Dermatologie Praxis, 2007.
“Melanoma ex naevo: a study of the associated naevus”. Bogdan I., Smolle J., Kerl H., Burg G., Boni R. Melanoma Research. 2003, 13(2): 213-7.
“Loss of Heterozygosity and Microsatellite Iinstability in Acquired Melanocytic Nevi: towards a Molecular Definition of the Dysplastic Nevus”. Rubben A., Bogdan I., Grussendorf-Conen EI, Burg G., Boeni R. Recent Results Cancer Research. 2002, 160: 100-110.
“Disease Management – ein alternatives Berufsumfeld für Ärzte”. Bogdan I., Puhan A. VSAO Journal. 2002, 2: 20-21.
“Spitz Nevi display Allelic Deletions”. Bogdan I., Burg G., Böni R. Archives of Dermatology. 2001, 137(11): 1417-1420.
“Heterogeneity of Allelic Deletions within Melanoma Metastases”. Bogdan I., Xin H., Burg G., Böni R. Melanoma Research. 2001, 11(4): 349-354.
“Cytogenetic Aspects of malignant Melanoma”. Böni R., Bogdan I., Xin H. Therapeutische Umschau. 1999, 56(6): 309-311.
“Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha contributes to Apoptosis in Hippocampal Neurons during Experimental Group B Streptococcal Meningitis”. Bogdan I, Leib SL., Bergeron M., Chow L., Täuber MG. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1997, 176: 693-97.
"Physiologic and pathologic changes in aging skin" (Universitärer Lehrauftrag) Jährlich seit 2010 University of Zurich, Klinik for Dentistry, Residents Teaching |
1) "Reconstruction with the sibling of a monster"; 2) "To bury or not to bury"; 3) "My favorite allrounder"
Sept. 2017 World Wind Workshop 2017 Sizilien, Italy |
"Orbital exenteration. reconstructive options of the empty orbit - a review of 7 cases and a suggested treatment algorithm" September 2016 ASAPS, Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2016, Los Angeles, USA |
"The keystone flap - the ideal flap to reconstruct oncologic defects all over the body?" September 2016 ISDS Amsterdam, Holland |
"Exenteratio orbitae - 7 Fälle und ein Therapiealgorithmus" September 2016 52th Congress of Swiss Plastic Surgery (SGPRAC-SSCPRE), 4th Congress of Swiss Aesthetic Surgery (SGAC-SSCE) |
Exenteratio orbitae - 7 Fälle und ein Therapiealgorithmus", honoured as one of 20 best abstracts submitted
Oktober 2015 46. Jahrestagung der DGPRäC, Berlin, Deutschland |
"Anti-aging - what role do lasers play?" September 2015 51th Congress of Swiss Plastic Surgery (SGPRAC-SSCPRE), 3rd Congress of Swiss Aesthetic Surgery (SGAC-SSCE), Thun, Schweiz |
"Schmutztättowierungen" Februar 2013 Deutsche Arbeitsgesellschaft für Verbrennungschirurgie (DAV, Österreich |
"Chemische Verbrennungen" Juni 2012 Verbrennungsworkshop Zürich |
1) "Fractional Photothermolysis" 2) "Laser and light treatments for acne" Juni 2012 Course for physical therapy, University of Basle, Basel, Schweiz |
"Laser and light treatments for acne"
Februar 2012 National Laser Convention, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Whats New in Physical Therapy, Surgery and Cosmetic Dermatology?"
Juni 2011 Zürcher Dermatologische Tage, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Laser and Lights in the treatment of Acne" März 2011 Grand rounds, Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami, Miami, USA |
"Hyaluronic Acid Filler Complications" August 2010 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Fractional Photothermolysis", Organisation and moderation Laserworkshop August 2010 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Skin Hydration"
Juli 2010 Münchner Fortbildungswoche, München, Deutschland |
"Fractional Photothermolysis"
März 2010 Grand rounds, Department of Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami, Miami, USA |
"Fractional Photothermolysis"
Januar 2010 National Laser Convention, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Laser Platform Dermatology Zurich"
Januar 2010 Zürcher Dermatologische Gesellschaft, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Laser- and light-assisted hair removal" Dezember 2009 University of Zurich, Dermatology, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Cosmeceuticals in Dermatocosmetics"
Oktober 2009 SCCC |
"An Update on Antioxidants"
Oktober 2009 EADV Berlin, Deutschland |
"Laser and light treatments for acne" September 2009 University of Zurich, Dermatology. Zürich, Schweiz |
"Alar Necrosis after Injection of HA Fillers"
Juli 2009 Annual Meeting Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dermatochirurgie, München, Deutschland |
"Fractional Photothermolysis"
Juni 2009 Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Antioxidants - an Update" Juni 2009 ICD Prag, Tschechische Republik |
"Jungbrunnenmedizin" Mai 2009 Swiss Society for Internal Medicine (SGIM), Basel, Schweiz |
"Laser treatments of Scars" April 2008 University of Zurich, Dermatologie, Zürich, Schweiz |
"Skin aging" Mai 2007 University of Dentistry, Zürich, Schweiz |
European Society of Dermatological Research (ESDR) September 2000 Berlin, Deutschland |
Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID) Mai 2000 Chicago, USA |
Postgraduate Course April 2000 Universitätsspital Zurich, Schweiz |
Science-Meeting Dermatology März 2000 Davos, Schweiz |
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