Breast Lift

Aging affects our entire body, including our breasts. Over time, the elasticity of our tissues decreases and makes them saggy. Pregnancy and breast feeding, as well as weight fluctuations can contribute to the fact that the breast loses its elasticity and begins to hang. Saggy breasts appear in various shapes and forms with a respective variety of surgical solutions.


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What is a breast lift?

Breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is one of the classic procedures in aesthetic breast surgery. There are a variety of surgical techniques available to treat the various problems of a “sagging breast” in the broadest sense. The choice of the right technique contributes to a satisfactory and aesthetically appealing result.

In general, the breast is reshaped, tightened and lifted by removing the excess skin and redistributing the tissue. The breast volume usually remains unchanged, rather an “inner bra” is created to keep the breast in its new shape and position for as long as possible. If you want a firmer and at the same time larger breast, the procedure can be combined with the insertion of breast implants (augmentation mastopexy). The result is a firmer breast with higher nipples, which leads to a more youthful body image.

Based on their many years of experience, Dr. Allemann is able to offer the ideal surgical technique for your physique and your concerns in order to create the most natural, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing result.

Am I a good candidate for a breast lift?

Has your breast lost its original shape? Have the nipples sagged and has the tissue lost its elasticity? Are you looking for a firm and more youthful looking breast that matches your vitality? A breast lift could be the right procedure for you.

Medical classification of the saggy breast (ptosis) according to Regnault

Normal breast
Grade 1: mildly sagging
Grade 2: moderately sagging
Grade 3: severely sagging
Pseudoptosis: lower pole sagging
Parenchymal malposition

What can I expect after a breast lift?

The surgical results will differ from patient to patient. In general, the breast and nipple will be lifted to achieve a more youthful appearance. Even if each result may be different, a better, younger body feeling can usually be achieved.

What happens during the consultation?

In a detailed consultation we will decide together whether a breast lift is suitable for you. Based on your preoperative breast condition and your expectations, we will explain the best surgical technique for you.

Our greatest wish is to fulfil yours. The prerequisite for every operation in our practice is a reflective discussion in which all details and your motivations are discussed in detail. From the moment you enter our practice, we are your partner who will advise you on all questions and concerns. We rely on our many years of experience, which helps us to choose the right approach, even in less clear cases.

If you qualify for a breast lift, we will examine your breasts, take all relevant measurements and digitally document them with photos. The incision for the lifting procedure depends on the initial clinical findings of the breast and the extent of lifting required. It is in your as well as in our interest to always keep the scars as small as possible. However, it should be emphasized at this point that we recommend the technique that ultimately leads to the most beautiful result.

Incisions for different tightening techniques

Half-moon incision
Illustration einer Periareoläre Schnittführung
Periareolar incision
Illustration einer Lollipop Schnittführung
Lollipop incision
Illustration T-förmige Schnittführung
T-shaped incision

If you wish for an additional augmentation, we will discuss the insertion of implants and their placement with you. In principle, we only use silicone implants from leading manufacturers.

Before the operation, we recommend having a mammography performed in order to clarify any preexisting abnormalities in advance.

As a prerequisite for every operation in our practice, there is a detailed discussion between you and the doctors. Only when we have a thorough picture of your medical history and your desired result can we identify possible contraindications early on and determine the right approach for you. We take the time to do this and give it to you too.

What is the surgery like?

The procedure lasts 1.5 – 2.5 hours and takes place under general anaesthesia. Depending on the initial situation, it can be performed on a day clinic outpatient basis in our certified operating theatre or under inpatient conditions in the hospital. This is individually evaluated in each case and decided upon during our consultation.

After the operation you will be given an elastic bandage, which can usually be replaced by a sports bra on the first postoperative day.

What about the follow-up treatment?

As with any surgical procedure, you will feel slight pain in the first few days. You will receive adequate painkillers from us and we will be there for you in case of any questions. In order to drain off wound water and blood, in certain cases drainages are inserted, which can be removed after 2-3 days.

In the first few weeks you can expect more or less pronounced swelling. You should wear your sports bra for six weeks and avoid any sporting activities during this time. The first check-up takes place on the first day after the operation. We will usually see you again after 14 days, 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months. You can expect the final result after the swelling has subsided after about 3-6 months.

Snapshot Breast Lift
  • Duration
    1.5-2.5 hours
  • Anaesthesia
    General anaesthesia
  • Clinic stay
    Usually outpatient or 1 overnight stay
  • Back to work
    After 1 week, with heavy physical work, longer incapacity for work must be expected
  • Post-treatment
    Compression bra for 4 - 6 weeks
  • Sport
    After approx. 6 weeks

What are the risks?

Every operation involves surgical and anaesthesia-related risks. There is an increased risk of surgical complications, especially for patients who smoke or suffer from obesity or diabetes.

Risks associated with any surgical procedure

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Unpleasant or excessive scarring
  • Wound healing disorders
  • Thrombosis

Risks of breast lift

  • Asymmetry
  • Small skin surpluses (Dog ears)
  • (Temporary) sensory disturbance of the nipple(s) (rare)
  • Fatty tissue necrosis (rare)
  • Limited ability to breastfeed (rare)
  • (Partial) necrosis of the nipple(s)

Would you like to learn more?

If you are interested in a breast lift, we will be happy to assist you as objective consultants. It is important to us to give you a comprehensive picture of the procedure. In a non-committal consultation, we discuss the possibilities and risks, as well as the different types of interventions with you. This discussion provides you with a serious basis on which to make a fundamental decision for or against a procedure.

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