Ich bin rundum zufrieden. Frau Allemann war vom ersten Moment an sehr daran interessiert, dass das Ergebnis mir gefallen wird und ist sehr auf meine Wünsche aber auch Bedenken eingegangen. Genau so, wie man es sich wünschen würde. Ich wurde top beraten und bin mit dem Ergebnis mehr als zufrieden :)

Corinna Biermeier

Frau Dr. Allemann und ihr Team sind nicht nur sehr kompetent, sie sind auch extrem sympathisch. Der Campus ist ausserdem so hübsch, dass ich am liebsten dort einziehen würde.


Freundliches Team, sehr professionell, sehr schöne beruhigende Umgebung, ehrliche sehr gute Beratung durch Ärztin und gute Resultate erreicht durch Mikroneedling- und Lasertherapie für meine Verbrennungsnarben die schon 25 Jahre alt sind. Danke! :)

Arezu Shiri

brueste von weisser frau mit arm in nahaufnahme

Breast operations

We are your medical campus specialized in aesthetic breast surgery. We are your specialists for breast augmentations, breast reductions, breast lifts and implant replacements. With our many years of expertise, we accompany you competently, and personally, from the initial consultation to the final check-up.

Breast augmentation

Breasts can be enlarged with implants, with autologous fat or with the so-called hybrid technique with implants and autologous fat.Breasts can be enlarged with implants, with autologous fat or with the so-called hybrid technique with implants and autologous fat.

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Breast Reduction

If you suffer from the discomfort associated with overly large and heavy breasts, such as back and neck pain, breast reduction can alleviate this and provide an improved, active lifestyle.

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Breast Lift

A breast lift can be performed for various reasons. A satisfactory result requires the choice of the ideal surgical technique. The choice of the right technique contributes relevantly to a satisfactory result.

Frauenkoerperbauch mit angewinkelten Beinen in schwarzweiss


The human body presents itself in all sizes and shapes. It carries us through life and changes with us. «Mens sana in corpore sano.» A healthy and efficient body can lead us through a full and active life.

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No other part of the body makes us as an individual like our face. It reflects us as a personality and gives us an unmistakable appearance with our facial expressions.

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Minimal Invasive

Minimally invasive procedures have become indispensable in medicine and play an important role in many specialties. They think the need of our active society to do something for his appearance and attractiveness without great intervention and long "downtime", with full focus on maintaining naturalness.Minimally invasive procedures have become indis

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Plastic surgery is not only about aesthetics. A large part of plastic surgery deals with "reconstructive" procedures. This reconstructive surgery plays an important role and focuses on the restoration of body shape and its function in congenital or after acquired defects.

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Scar Revision

Practically every person injures his skin in the course of life. A scar remains. Many scars do not bother us further. However, certain scars can be cosmetically disturbing and painful. Here, a scar correction can achieve an improvement.

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